C. Michael Gibson, MS, MD is an interventional cardiologist, cardiovascular researcher, and educator who pioneered our understanding of the “open artery hypothesis” as well our understanding of the importance of restoring flow downstream in the capillary bed in the “open microvasculature hypothesis” in a heart attack. Gibson has been a leading investigator in trials of thrombolytic agents, glycoprotein 2b3a inhibitor agents, thienopyridines, factor Xa inhibitors, lipid-lowering agents and new devices. Gibson was named one of the world’s most widely published and cited scientists of past decade in 2014 by Thomson Reuters. Gibson founded and led his own Academic Research Organization (PERFUSE) for 30 years & has been the principal investigator of or led core services for >120 clinical trials, the results of which have been published in leading journals. Under Gibson’s direction, PERFUSE created the master database that unified data from over many years of TIMI studies (TIMI 1-50) in nearly 100,000 patients and coordinated data analyses for the TIMI study group and functioned as the TIMI Data Coordinating Center. Gibson has led phase 1-4 clinical trials, and cardiology megatrials of over 15,000 patients which eventuate in international approval of drugs like prasugrel, rivaroxaban, and betrixaban. Gibson also founded www.wikidoc.org and www.wikipatient.org, widely viewed open-source textbooks of medicine. He is Editor-In-Chief of >2,200 active contributors who have edited the content millions of times. Gibson also founded www.clinicaltrialresults.org and has conducted >2,000 TV/video interviews. He has over 340K followers on Twitter with millions of impressions at major meetings. For years, Gibson has been chosen as one of Boston’s Top Doctors & U.S. News & World Report also lists Gibson as one of America’s top doctors. He has held numerous leadership positions in medicine including positions as a Coronary Care Unit Director, a Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Director, a Chief of Cardiology, and as a Vice-Chairman of Medicine.